The radiance way

Are you 

Wearing an identity that no longer fits

 dragging around something from the past,  

hanging on to an idea that has outlived its usefulness?


Or maybe.. 

you've been holding on to something 

that has long since lost it's aliveness..


(We all do, because we're human.)


Are you ready to make a shift?


If so, join me 


for this 3 hour Radiance Way Retreat

where you will learn lasting ways to let go 

as part of the Life Creation Cycle

embodiment practices that will serve you 

in all seasons of your life

Let’s talk details

Do i need to have any experience?

You don't need any prior experience to join the retreat.  You will be guided throughout.

Will I need special supplies?

Yes, just a few, and you likely have them around the house.  See your registration email for what you will need.

Will I have to be on camera?

Only if you want to.  

What is embodiment? 

Embodiment is the representation or expression of something in a tangible or visible form.  Embodiment practices connect you to yourself more deeply so you can embrace and express your true nature.

Through the experience of your own expression, you will learn new techniques for how to gently let go.

I will be guiding you through a conscious movement segment and no movement or dance experience is necessary.

Can I bring a friend?

Yes, you are welcome to share this with others who will resonate

✨ Love ✨


“Marli is infectious! She will inspire you to dance and to experience the beauty of yourself through movement. She is a clear compassionate vehicle of love."


When she teaches, it is magical, humbling, energizing, and pure joy to be in her guidance. She gave me permission to be free while she led with subtle instruction, always open to and honored the artist within me. Thank you Marli, Love Jamie


Thank you for your loving support - mostly for the deep presence that you hold ~

Do you feel

Weighed down by the constructs of who you think you should be?

Lost when it comes to moving on?

Unclear about how to align to a new vision of yourself?

A serious creative block that has been holding you back?

Little to no confidence to begin again?


As a Life long learner and seeker of knowledge I've come to realize the essential components of the Life Creation Cycle and how being in the flow of life leads us to our Divine and Radiant Nature.

My passion for cultivating your true energetic expression has led me to introduce and guide others celebrate the experience of themselves as Radiant and Divine. 

Sunday October 29 | Online

The art of letting go


A Radiance way Online retreat 

Late fall is the perfect time to practice the art of letting go, tending to and honoring this important phase of the life creation cycle